Tag Archives: beyonce baby bump

Six for Sunday

Six lovely things for this fine Sunday morning. 

This would’ve been lovely and alliterative, but I got to five and could find nothing else I was bothered writing about. Alliteration isn’t my number one concern in life, you know. *lie*

Also, for those of you expressing delight at my return to the blogosphere, I love you and wish I could courier over some cake to you right now. But knowing Ireland’s courier service, some lucky Botswana native would receive your very gone-off cake in mid-2013, after fielding 23 phone calls to direct Dave through the African desert.

Getting on with the lovely things…


1. Jade the Gorgeous

Here’s me, in the Merrion Penthouse, gabbing about beauty products and life in general with Jade Thompson (@JadeLThompson), winner of Britain and Ireland’s Next Top Model. It’s in black and white so as to somewhat disguise my rotten-average-person-ness beside the *official* best looking model in Britain and Ireland. I love my job! Oh, please excuse the ridiculousness of my hair. It was windy out, okay??!

2. Jedward’s Tweets

An odd one, I know. But the things these two lads tweet never fail to bring a smile to my face. They’re 19, and tweet the mental and incoherent ramblings of a drunk toddler. Here’s a couple I retweeted the other day. Hilarious because you know it’s not put-on – they’re just THAT simple.

3. Chanel Rouge Noir

I impulse bought a bottle the other day and have been staring at my fingernails constantly since and making many unnecessary hand gestures in people’s faces. If you’re not feeling very ladylike or very womanly and you need a quick fix that will make you feel like the love-child of Princess Grace and Audrey Hepburn (quite impossible but ya know what I mean), go buy a bottle and get to feeling feminine and a little bit posh.

In the interest of full disclosure: These aren’t *my* nails.

4. Beyonce is preggers

I know this is old news (and I mentioned it in my last post) but if I’m to stand a chance at Godmothership (?) I need to publicise the crap outta this kid. I reckon I’m in with a good shot but if I’m seen to be supporting it when it’s still in the womb, I should definitely get picked over Kelly/Solange/Gwyneth. Right?

5. HOLD THE LINE!!! Love isn’t ALWAYS on time!! (choooon)

À bientôt

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